Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is meant to explain the type of cookies and other tracking technologies that this site may place on your device to improve our services and your experience when visiting us. Scribs Studio (Robert Scribner) (“Us” or “We” or “Scribs Studio”) refers to,, and (collectively, the "site").

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text sent by us to your computer or mobile device to store information. Cookies are unique to your account or your browser, and they are used to enable features and functionality. Session-based cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies last until you or your browser delete them or until they expire.

How is Scribs Studio using cookies?

We use cookies on our site, products and any associated web properties for the following purposes:

Necessary - These cookies are essential for our services to work as intended. You may disable these cookies but various parts of our services may become unavailable. Some of these cookies include, but are not limited to:

  • PHPSESSID - Provides a unique session identifier for Users
  • XSRF-Token - Prevents Cross-site Request Forgery

Authentication - We use cookies to determine whether or not you've visited our site and interactions to keep you updated during visits as you access different pages.

Security - We use cookies to enable and support security features, prevent fraud and detect malicious activity.

Preferences and Features - We use cookies to enable features, personalize your content and remember your preferences.

Performance and Analytics - We use cookies to analyze how our services perform. These cookies help us identify and fix errors, understand and improve products, features and services, and monitor how users reach our services.

Third-Party cookies

These are third party services that we use for purposes as described:

How do I control cookies?

Please keep in mind that removing or blocking cookies will make parts of our site no longer accessible. Most browsers accept cookies automatically but they also give you the ability to manage cookies. You can typically find cookie control in your browser’s “Tools” or “Preferences” menu, giving you ability to disallow cookies from all or specific sites. For more information on how to block, manage or filter cookies, you can learn more about through your browser's help file or by visiting websites like

Many third party advertising and tracking services offer the ability to opt-out. You can read more about information they collect and how to opt-out through the privacy policy link listed for each of the services above.

How often will you update this Cookie Statement?

From time to time, we will update this Cookie Policy in order to reflect changes to the cookies we use for operational, legal or regulatory reasons. Please visit this Cookie Policy again regularly to fully understand our use of cookies and other related technologies.

Last updated: August 9, 2023